Tag: raw materials

Supply Chain Strain

by Hajimoto

I wanted to take a moment and communicate to my customers and followers because there are so many OUT OF STOCK or SOLD OUT items on my site for that last few months.

First and foremost, I am not closing or shutting down Hajimoto Productions. I am at the mercy of suppliers and they are handcuffed by the manufacturers who are not able to get raw materials in their plants to make the items required to produce the parts or complete products I use or sell.

Shipping costs have tripled in the past 4 months as well as aluminum prices. It is a trying time, but I will continue to stay in the game and do all that can to communicate to you all changes that may be coming as soon as I possibly can.

Feel free to contact me directly if you have questions Hajimoto@HajimotoProductions.com.

Thank you


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