Archives: Videos

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Correct a barrel’s leade

by Hajimoto
This is a quick video that shows a side-by-side comparison of the before and after of a barrels chambering area better known as the leade. This is the exact point in the barrel's bore where the breach transitions to the rifling. In most factory-produced Gauntlet barrels that transition is pretty sharp and steep making chambering very difficult. This video shows what I do to that steep step.
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Beeman Model 1358 Bullpup review

by Hajimoto
Here we go with another review of a very affordable PCP bullpup in .22 caliber. This is the Beeman Model 1358 underlever repeater. This little affordable PCP delivers the shots and features for $329 USD (At the time of this review June 2021) which includes 2 mags and the scope! I bought mine from The Airgun Pro Shop here is a link to the PCP I would like to give a huge thank you to all of those that made the Airgun Expo 2021 happen. AIRGUN EXPO Be sure to watch all the videos of the latest and greatest airgun, ammo, and accessories. You can watch them on YouTube: Gateway To Airgun Channel or Airgun Web
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